Translating Media Preview Conf to other languages

Here's the place to discuss anything about Media Preview in English.
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Translating Media Preview Conf to other languages

Post by BabelSoft »

Hi there, I'm the author of Media Preview.

I was quite surprised when some people spontaneously proposed their help at translating the configuration tool to their native language. If others want to do so, I'll gladly accept their help :)
To do this, you don't have to directly modify one of the resource dll files (e.g. MediaPreviewConfFRA.dll for French or MediaPreviewConfDEU.dll for German), but you simply have to edit the attached Excel template file by adding a column fully translated, and send it back to me. I'll take it to produce a proper resource dll file for the new language.

Before beginning the translation work, let me know before as we don't want to have several people working on the same language at the same time :) If you just want to tell me that there's something wrong with a translation, you can just post the related correction in the forum.

Have fun with Media Preview!
MPC language template
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Re: Translating Media Preview Conf to other languages

Post by brain8891 »

i can help to translate media preview to Arabic

and is there a way to send suggestions for other formats :)
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Re: Translating Media Preview Conf to other languages

Post by BabelSoft »

Hi brain8891,

Thanks for proposing your help with Arabic. I'll send you the latest template by email, so you can start whenever you can :)
If you want to suggest some stuff, you can send me an email at cyrilapan @ or create a new topic on the forum.
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Re: Translating Media Preview Conf to other languages

Post by Rodrigo »

First, forgive me for the bad English. I am a civil engineer and am better in English with technical terms, than conversation in general.

I would also say that this is a great software. Looking for something a long time. Congrats.
I also have the opportunity to translate it into Portuguese (Brazil). There is a great site that has many downloads of its software.

And I would take to report a bug. As you must have already seen there is a problem with FLV reported on the forum in which you offered a temporary alternative.
Only I noticed another problem too. The options "Enable Video Reel image overlay on thumbnails" and "Enable file type overlay icon on thumbnails", do not work correctly with RMVB format.
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Re: Translating Media Preview Conf to other languages

Post by BabelSoft »

Thanks Rodrigo for proposing your help in translating Media Preview. But somebody else already sent me a translation, and I should incorporate it with the next version of Media Preview.

For RMVB, it should be indeed the same issue, so here's a temporary workaround for RMVB files. I should add a button in the advanced options that will fix this for every format in 1 click.

By the way, you don't need to post several times the same message. There's a spam protection here: users must get the admin approval for their 1st 3 posts to get displayed in the forum. After 3 posts, you can have your messages get displayed directly without admin approval. It's a necessary measure against spamming bots. There are something like 20 new bots every day spamming the forum...
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Re: Translating Media Preview Conf to other languages

Post by Rodrigo »

I'm sorry, I thought the other posts had failed. And thanks for the quick fix. Worked perfectly now.
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Re: Translating Media Preview Conf to other languages

Post by rahro14 »

I can translate to persian
but I can't test it because I use win 8
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Re: Translating Media Preview Conf to other languages

Post by BabelSoft »

Hi rahro14, thanks for your help.
I've just sent you an email with the latest Excel template with all the strings to translate.

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Re: Translating Media Preview Conf to other languages

Post by BabelSoft »


I've sent you several emails with the Excel template. The latest email I sent you also have links to the latest beta of Media Preview, which does work with Windows 8. But I never got any reply from you.

Do you think you'll be able to translate everything into Persian by next weekend or the one after? As the current beta is near completion, the final release will probably be ready during this timeframe. Else it would have to wait for the next version.

Well, I still could deliver your translation as a separate language package if you can't make it by that time :)
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Re: Translating Media Preview Conf to other languages

Post by zephyrot »

Hi, I would like to offer you my help to translate Media Preview strings to "Castellano (Spain)",
you can find my translation attached.

I do take care of international relationships and software translation on my job, so I'm quite fluent
with TI and general "Internet" English and jargons.

I would like to point out that I have named my translation "Castellano (Spain)" and not straight "Spanish", because even though
I have tried to be as neuther as possible in the translations, there are many Spanish dialects which do use different
legit words and expresions, etc.. As such, it might be required a somewhat different translation than mine to be fully
understandable. They are also legit variations of "Castellano" around the world, so it would be unfair and misleading for them.

It's similiar to the difference between "vests" and "pants" in USA English and UK English, but to give you a silly example
just check "Bean" (English) --> Frijoles (mexican) --> "Habichuelas" (Puerto Rico) --> Porotos (Argentina)
--> Alubias (Spain) --> Judías (Spain - But only in Madrid and surroundings).

I'm sorry for the inconvenience this might cause to you.

At last, thanks for such a fine piece of software, I was quite desesperate with the horrible W7 thumbnailing.
I will be glad to update my translation in the mean of the possible with new strings you might add.

MP translation with castellano strings
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Last edited by zephyrot on Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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