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Your business translated through silicon

Version History

Negatron v0.100.1 ()

Negatron v0.100 ()

Negatron v0.99.7 ()

Negatron v0.99.6 ()

Negatron v0.99.5 ()

Negatron v0.99.4 ()

Negatron v0.99.3 ()

Negatron v0.99.2 ()

Negatron v0.99.1 ()

Negatron v0.99.0 ()

Negatron v0.98.4 ()

Negatron v0.98.3u2 ()

Quick update as I inadvertently packaged my local .ini file in v0.98.3u1... Hopefully, it should be the last packaging issue.

Negatron v0.98.3u1 ()

Quick update as the previous version had the wrong binary... It's now fixed.

Negatron v0.98.3 ()

Negatron v0.98.2 ()

Negatron v0.98.1 ()

Negatron v0.98 ()

Negatron v0.97.6 ()

Negatron v0.97.5 ()

Negatron v0.97.1 ()

Negatron v0.97 ()

Negatron v0.96.5 ()

Negatron v0.96 ()

Negatron v0.95.1 ()

Bug fix: if MAME EXTRAs folders weren't on the same drive as MAME, they weren't display at all.

Negatron v0.95 ()

First public release.


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Votre entreprise traduite par le silicium

Historique des versions

Veuillez vous référer à la page en anglais.


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